In this presentation you will discover a step by step game plan on how to abolish contention without wasting thousands of dollars on therapy even if you have never gotten along.
Why time outs/grounding are damaging strategies and are actually stifling children’s ability to feel and manage emotions, impacting the relationships they are trying to build, and what to do instead.
The secret to having children that not only listen, but are honoring and respectful even even in their teen years blessing their relationships with all adults in their lives, including their future partners.
How we have deeply satisfying relationships with our teenagers even though we rarely agree and the secret strategy that brings opposing views to the same side.
How to build a relationship that includes more hugs and giggles than eye rolls and door slams, while creating a deep connection that creates stability, warmth and love through turbulent times.

LaurieKae Banks
I have studied the human experience, the unconscious mind, bodywork and energy medicine for over 20 years. I am known as one of the best body work and energy medicine experts in Utah. I have worked and served children in several educational settings.. Pre-Schools K-12 Homeschool Secondary Education I specialize in helping adults show up in love and safety encouraging healthy child development, authentic and honest communication, ensuring deeply satisfying, even joyful, family relationships.